Soulful Strategic Planning

Starting February 2023

move into 2023 with
intention, clarity, and ease.

Ninety-two percent of people who create goals, plans, or resolutions end up not getting very far into the year before they've scrapped them.

So what's the other 8% doing differently?   

Honestly, it's nothing magical. 

The truth is that what most of us have learned about goal setting isn't helpful, tends to be inflexible, and is usually not checked for alignment with our bigger picture.

In the Soulful Strategic Planning workshop series, I've taken over ten years of experience supporting people from all walks of life in achieving their goals and turned what you've been told about goal setting on its head. Join the four-part workshop series and walk away with a simple, actionable, flexible blueprint that addresses the top goal-setting mistakes and aligns your vision with the day-to-day.

Soulful Strategic Planning

Virtual Four workshop series
Saturdays starting Feb 4th 1-3 PM EST
Plus Access to Recordings

does any of this sound like you?

Your to-do lists have become pages long. Your energy or motivation to do what needs to be done is rarely consistent. You find yourself downloading a new productivity app, trying the quadrants again, and reading those Top 10 Ways Productive People Are Better Than You articles. Yet you're still feeling overwhelmed, like there aren't enough hours in the day, or you don't know where to start on that one big goal you can't seem to pin down. 

It Doesn't have to Be This Way.

I've been in that space of overwhelm, and I know firsthand that there are so many reasons why we can't get our sh*t together on the things we want to accomplish most. However, I've learned that the two biggest obstacles standing in the way of success are knowing what's behind the things you genuinely want and creating a framework that considers your life and business or career in tandem. 

There's never a time when we're not bringing our whole selves to our lives and our work, so why should we plan in a way that keeps us compartmentalized? 

After over a decade of working with groups and individuals doing everything from vision boards to formal strategic plans, I've compiled all that I've learned about goal setting and vision mapping and created a more efficient and wholistic way to develop goals that align with who you are and the impact you want to make. 

Soulful Strategic Planning 2023

4 Workshops (Feb 4, 11, 18, 25)
3 Bonus Work Sessions
One 30-Minute Private Coaching Session
Access to Dedicated Online Group
Access to Session Recordings
Unlimited Email Q&A with Coach

  • In this session, you'll learn the top mistakes people make in goal setting and how to address each. Then, I'll share my methods for creating goals that align with who you are and how you work, plus where to start when it comes to making a mission and vision statement for the year. We'll also do a baseline assessment, and you'll receive an overview of your entire plan outline.

  • We'll identify what it takes to create goals that are aligned, identify your top priorities, and overall "why" for each category covered. You'll learn how to develop measures of success for each goal, and we'll also dive deep into your financial priorities.

  • In this session, you'll learn how to create realistic strategies and tactics to make your vision executable. Then, we'll connect the work from previous sessions with what it takes to get everything on the calendar and develop quarterly, monthly, and weekly tasks.

  • In this session, you'll put everything together and identify ways to make your plan your own. We'll cover how to create an inspiring plan for the year that includes imagery, themes, quotes, and songs to make a document that you won't just leave on the shelf to collect dust. You'll also learn how to work your plan into your current workflow and routine to ensure you keep it up to date and remain on task.

Four Workshops Packed with Content & Time to Get it Done

25+ Pages of Worksheets

Not Just to-do’s and checklists

Goals that are authentic

Learn the keys to understanding your "Why" so you can create goals that make sense for you and only you. Not goals you "should" want or are "supposed" to have. Plus, you'll better understand what upcoming opportunities are a good fit and when you're getting off track.

A plan you can execute

Learn simple, tried, and true steps to clarifying goals, creating strategies that fit, and identifying the tactics and timeline to get it all done. Plus, you'll learn how to make time for life right alongside your business or career goals and how to add your plan to your daily routine.

time to actually get it done

The planning process takes a lot of work, which is why most people don't follow through on their goals. In this workshop, you'll have built-in time to work on your plan and work sessions with the group to keep you accountable.

Support Beyond the Workshops

Outside the workshops, you'll have three bonus work sessions, one thirty-minute private coaching session, unlimited Q&A for questions and feedback, and an online community with like-minded people on the same journey.

Soulful Strategic Planning will help you: 

  • Avoid the top mistakes most people make in goal setting

  • Create a solid strategy that turns your big picture into smaller actionable steps

  • Quickly determine what opportunities are a good fit

  • Stay on track when life happens, and you inevitably get distracted

Payment plans are available.